(See 1. Clayton and Dickinson,
Episodic-like memory during cache recovery by scrub jays, Nature Vol 395,
17 Sept. 1998 and 2. Emery and Clayton, Effects of experience and social
context on prospective caching strategies by scrub jays, Naure Vol 424, Nov.
The cathedral-like rocks have a
strange presence that violates human concepts of scale.
Our ten-mile hike over well-constructed trails was a journey through an enchanted
wonderland of half-recognizable shapes and spaces. (Click here to view the 36
Megabyte Movie.) The park contains several bands of friendly coatamundi,
but we never succeeded in spotting this canny animal. However,
on the morning of our departure, our heavy ice chest was pried open
and a steak devoured -- unobserved by the two exhausted INHL researchers,
shown below. Our goal of photographing the coati
will have to wait until another day. Click and scroll the pictures
to enlarge, or click the hawk to continue.
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Executive Fellow James Davison, and Executive Director
David F. Etzold